5 Things to Rethink about Talent Acquisition

HR departments are saddled with an extensive set of requirements. Everything from compliance, to government reporting, to training. That leaves talent acquisition being a reaction to a need rather than a successful approach to recruit the right people for the right positions. 

Think strategically.

Strategic thinking in HR is not the default. HR generally takes a more reactionary, tactical approach: see a need, fill a need. This approach causes HR to constantly be in the role of filling human resource needs, compliance, and training. However, an HR department with a strategic approach takes the leading role in the people piece of the puzzle, making for a more proactive recruitment process.

Define needs.

Create a comprehensive strategy for talent acquisition with a focus on the new skills and competencies you will need to succeed in the future. This should be its own strategy rather than a component of the organization’s overall plan. This means implementing a tactical plan for recruiting new individuals while also developing existing talent through milestones and accountabilities.

Corporate buy-in.

Who is the customer of HR? In the traditional sense, it is the owner/founder/CEO because they are the ultimate decision maker. This works in theory, but in practice, things are different. HR also needs to cultivate relationships with the business leaders charged with executing the organization’s strategy. This cooperative relationship is a more proactive approach to meeting leaderships’ goals, which ultimately helps to achieve the goals of the corporation.

Target opportunity pools.

When you know what your organization’s needs are, it is important to actively engage with your target talent communities. This should involve cultivating relationships with high-potential candidates who could be eventually be recruited when the need arises.


An internal report card should be created to determine how effective your methodologies are in achieving the strategy goals of HR and the corporation. The prime objective of HR should be to recruit the people with the right skills and competencies to advance the organization’s strategic agenda. That means being proactive with measurement – both for success and failure.

The best way to rethink talent acquisition is to put these ideas into action. AMG Talent Acquisition Specialists provide just that for your organization through a comprehensive strategy anchored in making your organization the envy of the neighborhood. That way, your house always looks in order, no matter who looks in, and highly qualified candidates are always welcome.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving recruitment landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

Published On: 06/08/2018