6 Straightforward Ways to Improve Your Company Culture

Company culture is, in short, “how the sausage gets made.” It’s the attitudes, relationship dynamics, and overall mindset of people within a company.

Company culture also really matters. A survey of almost 2,000 North American CEOs and CFOs (and interviews with 16 people in these positions) conducted by Columbia Business School and Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business showed that:

  • 92% of company officers said a better corporate culture would increase the company’s value.
  • Over half of the surveyed executives thought corporate culture impacts profitability, growth rates, and employee productivity and creativity.

And culture might matter more than ever now. Websites like Glassdoor make it easier for employees to voice their concerns and candidates to peek inside a workplace’s true nature.

In your recruitment and hiring practices, you’ll need a good (and honest) answer to questions about your company culture. The following tips will lead to you proudly bragging about your organization’s awesome, supportive environment.

How to Improve Company Culture in Your Workplace

Here are some ways to make your company culture as good as possible.

1. Keep Communication Lines Open

From entry-level to upper management, everyone should feel they can express any concerns about their work experience. Some ways to do that include:

  • Providing routine opportunities for employees to submit anonymous feedback about the company
  • Scheduling regular one-on-one meetings between managers and employees
  • Showing employees their involvement and opinions matter by asking for both

Offering your appreciation for dedicated effort and growth will encourage employees to bring their best work and feel pride in contributing to a supportive workplace.

2. Ease Off of Any Micromanaging

Employees value autonomy in their workday. And now that many companies are switching to remote or hybrid models, employees expect less control over when and where they work.

And companies who are worried about productivity dips with remote work can likely rest easy. According to Owl Labs’ State of Remote Work 2021 report, only one percent of surveyed workers said they were less productive working from home during the pandemic.

In addition, almost half of employees said they would accept a pay cut of up to five percent if they could continue working remotely at least part of the time.

Many companies are also offering flexibility in work schedules, allowing employees to choose exactly what hour ranges they work. While not all industries can do this, office managers who can should consider the benefits — such as giving reliable workers more control, offering better work-life balance, and preventing burnout.

3. Show Recognition to Your Employees

When there are successes — even little wins — celebrate them. Cultivate a company culture where everyone praises each other’s victories. That will build pride in the company as a whole.

4. Sync Management’s Actions with Company Values

Of course, you should get clear on your company’s values. But also remember that actions speak louder than words. Are company executives living and working by those values? If not, employees will notice, and you’ll have bitter workers rather than a positive culture.

5. Support Team-Building and Positive Employee Relationships

The best company cultures prioritize actions that bring everyone together as a team. After all, we spend so much of our lives at work; it should be a place full of support for one another.

Team-building exercises and events (funded by the company) are fantastic examples of creating a supportive workplace.

6. Run Routine Company Culture Audits

Lastly, check-in often on how your company culture is doing. Regular audits will look at how employees feel about your company and its culture. You can catch problems and address them early, reducing turnover and improving company image while ensuring happy employees.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving recruitment landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

Published On: 07/28/2022