3 Content Marketing Ideas You Haven’t Used Yet

Content marketing: What does it mean? Who uses it? For what?

According to the Content Marketing Institute, the term can be defined as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Here are 3 content marketing practices to consider:

  1. Sell sponsored content articles as feature stories instead of news stories. Our client Sain Engineering recently worked on a solar installation at one of  their client sites. They wanted to get press for the event, but not the standard run-of-the-mill press release-type press. So, we pitched writing the article from THEIR client’s point of view, and in a feature story format.The result was this outstanding article that they not only loved and gained great metrics from, but they also got two new clients as a result of this article style!
  2. Blogging is great for nurturing leads and warming up audiences, but they don’t do any good if nobody sees them. Recently we’ve had several clients where we’ve sold them a digital display campaign for the sole purpose of distributing their blog content. These campaigns work just like any other digital display campaign might, EXCEPT that the creative looks different – it specifically points the reader to a headline of a blog post instead of just to  a company URL. Blog traffic has increased dramatically in these instances.
  3. A blog is a blog – except for when it’s a quiz or “Dear Abby” type column. Some clients are well-suited for short quizzes such as “Whats your healthy eating IQ?” Quizzes are a great way to drive home information in a fun-to-consume kind of way. Also, having a consulting services firm (like accountants, financial planners and bankers) write advice columns of frequently asked questions is a great way to showcase their thought leadership and expertise.
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Interested in learning more? Download our FREE content marketing eBook.

Content Marketing eBook

Contact us today for more information about how our content marketing capabilities can improve your business.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving recruitment landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

Published On: 06/26/2017