What Passive Recruiting Means and Why You Should Be Using It

Hiring managers are very familiar with active recruiting strategies: posting jobs and waiting for searching candidates to respond. However, active recruitment will only get you so far, and if you’re not utilizing passive recruiting strategies, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

Passive recruiting helps you find not only top talent but also the best people for the job. By combining passive and active recruiting strategies, your chances of reducing turnover and retaining employees longer will rise dramatically.

Let’s look at what passive recruiting is all about and why every company should be using it.

What Is Passive Recruiting? Active vs. Passive Candidates

Passive recruiting means attracting people who aren’t currently seeking a job. In contrast, active recruiting seeks out candidates who are looking for a new position.

One’s initial reaction might be that passive recruiting makes no sense. After all, why waste time and money on candidates who don’t need a job? But actually, passive recruiting is a wise long-term investment that pays off in huge dividends.

Why Passive Recruiting Is a Profitable Approach

Recruiting passive candidates is worth it for several reasons. Here’s why:

Active Candidates Are Rarely the Perfect Fit

Active recruiting is not as targeted as you’d think. Most people who respond to your job postings won’t be the ideal candidate because the pool of candidates looking for jobs is small.

Even if you use targeted ads and keywords, most responses will not be the types of employees you’re seeking. You spend a lot of time and resources finding the right fit.

Passively recruiting candidates means you can carefully select those who are excellent for your team. Even if that type of candidate is unavailable now, you’ll get their attention so that they either:

  • Think of you when they decide to find a new position, or
  • Choose to jump ship to your company because you’ve shown it’s a better opportunity.

A targeted passive recruitment strategy can bring the best results, which means the most valuable people working for your organization.

Passive Candidates Stay Longer

If someone chooses to leave their current job and join your team, they’ve probably carefully weighed their options. Maybe they chose you because of better benefits like higher pay or advancement opportunities. They’re also more likely to stay longer because they understand the commitment and what you’ve offered them.

Currently-Employed Often Means Reliable

Employed candidates are more likely to be successful in their current jobs. They also tend to have strong employment records. Plus, they won’t be applying to any open job just because they need work.

If you attract and bring in a passive recruit, you’re more likely to get someone with the qualifications, teamwork, and work quality you seek.

Active Candidates Are a Small Pool

The fight for active candidates is intense. Someone you interview one week might be no longer unemployed the following week. You’re racing to hire a small group of people when you only focus on active recruitment. On the other hand, passive candidates make up most of the job market.

Recruiting both passive candidates and active candidates keeps you competitive, especially for hard-to-fill positions. Although active seekers bring faster results, passive candidates can be better for productivity and profits over the long term.

How to Approach Passive Candidates

If you want to get the most out of passive recruitment, you’ll need a strategy. Passive recruiting is a longer game than seeking active candidates, so your methods must be intelligent and targeted.

At Alabama Media Group, we use an outbound multi-channel strategy that targets suitable candidates. You’ll reach those who want to work for you and who will appreciate what makes your company a fantastic fit for them. Contact us today to get started.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving recruitment landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

Published On: 10/03/2023