Social Media Marketing Myth #12
Social Media Marketing Myth #12
Companies with successful Social Media Advertising Campaigns post to their Facebook as often as possible.
Social Media Marketing Truth:
The Cost of Excessive Social Media Use
Every time your business introduces a new item, sale or employee of the month, you immediately jump on your Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and post away. It’s free. It’s easy. So the more you post the more business you will get in the end, right?
Well…not exactly.
For many businesses it seems like a great idea to use Facebook to push out content, pictures and videos as often as possible. Unfortunately, incessant Facebook posting is not only a bad idea, it can be extremely counterproductive.
Wait, so you don’t like it when I post 57 times a day?
As many companies have come to realize, fans of a company’s Facebook page can become turned off by too many posts, giving them a good reason to unlike your Fan page. Not really the lasting impression you want to make with your loyal, valued customers.
Diminishing Engagement
So what does Engagement on Facebook really mean? Anytime a user likes or comments on a post or shares a post with friends, that’s engagement. The stronger the engagement, the higher the likelihood is that your message will be seen by your Facebook audience in the future.
Companies that post more than once a day may see a much lower level of engagement for each post, hurting the chances of posts being seen in the future. Facebook’s algorithm ranks businesses’ posts that appear in a user’s Newsfeed according to many different factors – including the level of engagement from other Facebook users and fans.

How often should a company post to its Facebook page?
Posting every day may be a good idea, but only if it corresponds with your Social Media Strategy. Or, it may make more sense for your business to post twice a week or maybe just a few times a month. The number of times you post to your page is going to depend on your overall social media strategy and the amount of quality content that you have available to post. Quality and the presence of a strong strategy are the most important factors in the success of your campaign!
When used effectively, Facebook can help businesses maintain a positive, strong relationship with current customers and develop new customer relationships through online word-of-mouth.
You may be asking yourself: How many times should I post to my business Facebook page? The question you should be asking yourself, instead, is: Does my company have a strong social media marketing strategy and do my posts help meet that strategy in a way that supplies a steady stream of engaging content to my Facebook Fans?