Convince Your Boss: This Is Alabama Young Professionals Summit

Of course you want to attend the This is Alabama Alabama Young Professionals Summit. That’s not a question. But convincing your boss to let you miss a full day of work and pick up the tab? You’ll need to make a compelling case for that.

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. We want to make it as easy as possible for you.  After they understand the return on investment from your attendance, the real question will be, how can they afford to NOT let you go?

Use these talking points with your boss to make a compelling case for why you need to attend the This Is Alabama Young Professionals Summit.


4 benefits of attending:

Connect with Alabama’s best. When you step foot into the Summit, you’ll be joined together with the young leaders, innovators and change-makers of Alabama. There’s a big world out there outside of your office and your industry, and by connecting with the best of the best, you’ll have the opportunity to swap ideas, perspectives and strategies.

Share your voice. The YP Summit is Alabama’s biggest stage for young professionals like yourself to share and talk through the issues and questions that are important to you and the state. If there ever was a time and place to let your voice be heard and engage in dynamic discussion among your peers, it’s here.

Learn from successful companies and colleagues. If you’re looking for an event that’s just about swapping business cards and getting freebies, this isn’t it. We’ll have speakers and panelists covering multiple topics imperative to today’s young professionals. These sessions will help you to expand your knowledge, think more strategically, and acquire new perspectives and strategies that you can immediately execute in your workplace.

Build relationships. This year’s YP summit will be jam-packed with potential clients, mentors and vendors. Equip yourself with the knowledge about today’s newest workplace technologies, marketing strategies and best practices. Trust us, these are the kind of people you want in your professional corner.

So, schedule some time with your boss today and use these talking points to sell him or her on your participation. Good luck!


If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving recruitment landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

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